We think we offer the best free home budgets available anywhere. And we encourage anyone in need of a free or low-cost home budget to download any or all of our four free budget and template files.
We have listed our Pagemonth Advantages on our home page. But to them we have recently added "No ads, no spyware, and no user tracking." I want to elaborate on these here, where I have more space than in the list of a home page.
These three things apply to our free home budget and template files, not our website pages. We do include Google ads on the top and bottom of each website page, but we insist they be relevant to our page and not contain objectionable content.
Further, we do not permit any spyware in our files as do many free or low-cost budgets. We do not solicit user information nor sell it to anyone, period.
And we do not track our users. Where they go, what sites they visit, what they download--none of it. Our spreadsheets are private and belong entirely to those who download them from our website, We do not track our users' use of our files or what they do with them.
We are serious about our budgets being private, secure, and user-anonymous. We hope you will tell your friends, neighbors, and online contacts about our free home budgets and encourage them to try us,, because an increasing base of users is our only way to begin to defray our own ad costs. But we won't know if you do or not. We don't track you, remember?.