Friday, July 18, 2014

Configure and Reuse Pagemonth Budget As You Wish

On our homepage at we said "Spreadsheet budgets just make sense.  You can set it up the way you want it."  Pagemonth spreadsheet budget goes even further.  It is user configurable in every possible way.  Users can take it apart and reconfigure all of its sizes, fonts, cell outlines, borders, content, formulas, titles, spacing--everything right down to a clean new blank spreadsheet if desired.

That would be silly, however, since users can just select a new blank spreadsheet.  So I begin with the assumption that the user will want to keep at least some formulas intact and hidden from view, and keep the page structure intact with vertically stacked months January through December so that scrolling through the year top to bottom is easy and locating information by the same cell position in each month feature remains functional..

I also assume that users will retain the basic workspace of about 21 rows deep and columns A through P across for data entry, editing, and printing.  And I further assume users will want to keep the format and design of twelve pages, one per month, with the cash flow chronologically arranged  like a checkbook, top to bottom in the left hand columns, totals in the middle columns, and category groupings in the right hand columns.  This format and design is protected by copyright.

But everything beyond the basic format and design is the user's choice.  What the spreadsheet's use is to be, whether for home or personal use or business or other function, is up to each user.  What categories to use or alter, what data to set up or delete are user options as well.

And one of Pagemonth's most useful user advantages is it's reusability year after year with no need for more downloading and no costs.   Once the spreadsheet is arranged to the user's needs and preferences, the same spreadsheet can be used year after year by simply changing the year date and saving it as the new year--for example budget14.xls, budget15.xls, budget16.xls and so forth.

All these advantages are discussed in more detail on our free setup and other help pages.  What I'm stressing here is that Pagemonth Budget is possibly the most configurable and versatile free spreadsheet budget available on the internet.

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